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4141/ In the 1983 film JAWS 3D the shark blows up. Some of the shark guts were stuffed ET dolls being sold at the time.

4142/ Fresh apples float because 25 per cent of their volume is air.

4143/ Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.

4144/ Phobatrivaphobia is fear of trivia about phobias.

4145/ No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple.

4146/ The book of Esther in the Bible is the only book which does not mention the name of God.

4147/ Yogurt intake among North Americans has quadrupled in the past 20 years.

4148/ Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.

4149/ The porcupine's love for salt often leads the animal to roadways or walkways where salt has been sprinkled to melt the ice. They will lick and gnaw on anything containing salt, such as saddles, canoe paddles and axe handles.

4150/ Daily about ten billion tiny scales of skin rub off your body, float through the air and land on the floor, furniture, lawn or other people.

4151/ In a lifetime you could fill eighteen kilo flour bags with dead skin!

4152/ For the Masai people of Tanzania, Africa, spitting is considered a show of goodwill. Newborn babies are spat upon to bring the child luck, and deals are often closed only after the traders spit upon one another.

4153/ If you eat lots of red beets, your pee will actually be coloured red.

4154/ The belly acid called hydrochloric acid is so strong that it can eat up stainless steel razor blades.

4155/ The number of eye blinks varies greatly from about twenty nine each minute if you are talking to someone. To only four blinks each minute if you are reading.

4156/ On your palm are more than 2,000 sweat glands in an area about the size of a postage stamp. Actually, the palms and the soles of your feet have more sweat glands than anywhere else on your body.

4157/ During normal breathing, the speed that you exhale air is about four miles per hour. During a sneeze, the air speed can reach up to forty miles per hour.

4158/ About 250,000 little holes, or pores, on the soles of your feet squirt one-quarter cup of sweat each day.

4159/ The Rabies virus heads for the brain where it blocks the nerve signals that cause swallowing. Swallowing becomes incredibly painful. Spit full of viruses dribbles out of the mouth. Hence the 'foaming at the mouth'.

4160/ As a result of the gaps forming between cells, the blood vessels naturally get larger and more blood rushes to the area making it feel hot. That's why body parts, where there are germs, appear red and swollen.

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