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3621/ The maximum amount of money in US coinage that you can have and NOT be able to make change for a dollar is $1.19; three quarters, four dimes, and four pennies.

3622/ The standard weight of a ping pong ball is equivalent to 2.5 grams.

3623/ Wayne Gretsky had it written into his final NHL player contract with the New York Rangers that he would receive two tickets to every event at New York City's Madison Square Garden for the rest of his life.

3624/ Sir John Falstaff appears in more plays of Shakespeare (3 - King Henry 4 Parts 1 and 2, and King Henry V) than any other Shakespearean character.

3625/ All current denominations of US currency are 6.14 inches wide and 2.61 inches in hight.

3626/ The leaning Tower of Pisa has eight storeys.

3627/ The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.

3628/ A horse focuses its eye by changing the angle of its head, not by changing the shape of the lens of the eye, as humans do.

3629/ A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in one night.

3630/ Porcupines have an average of 30,000 quills. They are excellent swimmers because their quills are hollow and serve as pontoons to keep them afloat.

3631/ Cats have no ability to taste sweet things.

3632/ Guinea Pigs were first domesticated by the Incas, who used them for food, in sacrifices, and as household pets.

3633/ Cows have four stomachs. Often when a calf is born the farmer will make it swallow a magnet. This is to attract the various nails, staples, tacks, bits of wire and so on that the cow may ingest when grazing. (This odd hunger is known to farmers as 'hardware disease') When the animal is slaughtered, the butcher will remove the magnet along with the metallic debris and sell the mass of iron and steel for scrap.

3634/ The frigate bird can fly at a speed of 260 miles per hour.

3635/ A kangaroo cannot jump if its tail is lifted off the ground. It needs its tail for pushing off.

3636/ A hippopotamus can run faster than a man.

3637/ The fur of the vicuna, a small member of the camel family which lives only in the Andes Mountains of Perus, is so fine that each hair is less than two-thousandths of an inch thick. The animal was considered sacred by the Incas, and only royalty could wear its fleece.

3638/ The bottle-nosed whale can dive to a depth of 3,000 feet in two minutes.

3639/ A whale's heart beats only nine times a minute.

3640/ The lesser mole rate not only digs an entire subterranean house for itself, complete with storerooms, halls, bedrooms, and a "wedding chamber" where all mating takes place, but actually constructs a separate bathroom which, when filled, is sealed off from the rest of the house. (Editor Note - Seems kind of unfair to call it 'lesser' really. Given that it can probably tap dance as well!)

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