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3341/ The Chauvet caves in Southern France were discovered in 1994 and have the most ancient cave paintings in the world. These are 30,000 years old and include images of animals such as owls, panthers and hyenas, not seen before on cave walls.

3342/ According to a study by Professor Alexander Kira of Cornell University, women take 2.3 times as long as men to go to the toilet on average.

3343/ Hair grows at a rate of around 0.015 inches a day. It grows faster at night and in warm weather. Black hair grows faster than blonde hair.

3344/ The number of hairs on the head varies with colour, for reasons still unknown. Blondes have 140,000 hairs, dark-haired people have around 108,000, while redheads have fewest at 90,000.

3345/ Over 7 and a half million men in the UK suffer from hair-loss, but black men are four times more likely to have a full head of hair than Caucasian men. The incidence of hair-loss is also lower in Chinese and Japanese men.

3346/ Hair is an appendage of the skin consisting of threads of cells filled with keratin, a protein which is also found in a harder form, in fingernails and toenails. Hair usually grows everywhere on the body, except on the palms, soles, lips, nipples, the end of the penis and the lips of the vulva.

3347/ Each hair is anchored in a tiny pit called a follicle, underneath the skin. The shape of the follicle affects the appearance of the hair. A round follicle gives straight hair, an oval one wavy hair, while people with curly hair have spiral follicles.

3348/ At any one time, about 90% of the hairs on your head will be in the growing phase, with about 1% in transition and the rest waiting to be shed. It's quite normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day.

3349/ The words Caesar, Kaiser and Tsar all originally meant hairy.

3350/ Men with dark hair who go grey early tend not to go bald.

3351/ As you age your body hair tends to get thicker and stronger whilst scalp hair falls off.

3352/ A study by Thomas Cash at Old Dominion University compared two sets of similar photos where in one the people had hair, and in the other they were bald. Overall, the balding partner was rated as being less attractive, less successful and less assertive than the non-balding one. There was also a tendency to over-estimate the age of the balding partner by up to three years and to underestimate that of the non-balding one by around two years.

3353/ There are over 50,000 accidental fires in homes in Britain every year - that's nearly 140 a day.

3354/ Aluminium has about half the thermal conductivity of silver, and iron has about one-eighth.

3355/ When a boy's voice breaks, the length of the vocal chords increases (it may double in length), causing the voice to shift downwards in pitch.

3356/ The idea that perfect pitch is learned rather than innate is supported by the fact that 50% of children with a visual disability are better able to identify musical notes due to their increased reliance on sound.

3357/ The Spartans developed the first military cryptographic device, the scytale, by writing a message along a long strip of leather wrapped around a staff. When unwound the strip would appear to bear nothing but an innocuous list of letters. To read the message the receiver would simply wrap it around an identical staff.

3358/ Mortality rates by cause of death vary with age and sex. In 2002, for young people aged 15 to 29 in the UK, mortality rates were highest for injury and poisoning (41 per 100,000 population for men and 10 per 100,000 for women).

3359/ According to UK Government Statistics, in the second quarter of 2004, 52 per cent of households in the UK (12.8 million) could access the Internet from home, compared with just 9 per cent (2.2 million) in the same quarter of 1998.

3360/ The Earth is not round. It is an oblate spheroid, which means that it is a bit squashed on one plane. The Polar diameter is 12,713.6 km whilst the Equatorial Diameter is 12,756.4 km. At the equator the earth spins at 1674 km/h and is 149,600,000 km from the Sun.

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