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In the Fact File section we bring you a new collection of quick facts each week. (Click on the links below for more facts)



281/ The Dodo was first discovered in 1507 - 100 years later it was hunted to extinction.

282/ The fastest truck in the world, the 376 mph rocket powered Shockwave burns 400 gallons of fuel every mile.

283/ The Hobby Eberly Telescope (HET) can collect light 2 million times fainter than the human eye can.

284/ Any 1 of a 1000 viruses can cause the common cold.

285/ The chemical n-acetyl-cysteine found in raw eggs is proven to help hangovers.

286/ Macau, China has 80,000 people per square mile. Greenland has 10 square miles per person.

287/ The watch was invented in Nuremberg in 1510.

288/ On average women say 7,000 words per day. Men manage just over 2000.

289/ In 1522 Ferdinand Magellan's crew completed the first circumnavigation of the world.

290/ Health freaks beware! If you jog for 1 hour each day for fifty years you will have spent over two years jogging.

291/ Galileo first saw the moons of Jupiter on 7th January 1610 - but they had been discovered a few days earlier by an obscure German Astronomer, Simon Marius.

292/ Europeans started drinking tea from China in 1610 and they started drinking coffee in 1615.

293/ There are 1600 calories in a pint of Hippopotamus milk.

294/ In 1661 the Bank of Stockholm issued the worlds first banknote.

295/ Because of thermal expansion the Eiffel Tower is 15cm taller in Summer.

296/ Benjamin Franklin began his research into electricity in 1746.

297/ Isaac Newton published his 'Principia' explaining the laws of gravity in 1687.

298/ The combined length of the roots of a Finnish pine tree is over 30 miles.

299/ Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the mercury thermometer in 1714.

300/ 97.2% of the Earth's water is salt water.

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