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1481/ Poison Frogs derive their name from the fact that they produce toxins that are secreted from their skin in times of stress. These chemicals serve as a defense against predators who would eat the frogs otherwise. There are many toxins that have been isolated from the skin of frogs in the neotropics. However, four main ones have sparked the most interest in the world of science. These four toxins are Batrachotoxin, Compound A, Compound B, and Epibatidine. Nearly all of them are neurotoxins, or chemicals that affect and disrupt the nervous system. Of the four, the most toxic is Batrachotoxin, where a 180-pound man would be killed by .016 mg of the poison.

1482/ Approximately 20,000 bee species have been identified worldwide, most of which live in the tropics. About 5000 bee species have been found to date in the United States. The vast majority of bees remain solitary their whole lives, with the exception of the short mating period. Only a small percentage of bees - not even 15 percent - spend their lives in some form of colony. Worldwide however, there are only 400 species of the bumblebees that we are all familiar with. And only nine species of honeybees, only one of which, the western honey bee, can be found in the UK or US. more

1483/ The biggest ant colony was found on the Ishikari Coast of Hokkaido: 306 million worker ants and 1 million queens lived in 45,000 interconnected nests over an area of 2.7 square kilometres (1,7 square miles). A worker ant will live for up to 5 years; while a Queen will live up to 25 years.

1484/ The first entire colony of a rare type of ant, dubbed the 'Dracula Ant' was found in 2000 in Madagascar. They were called this because Queen and worker ants, when hungry, visit the colony nursery and cut holes into their own larvae to feed on the hemolymph, the equivalent of insect blood. "They chew them until they bleed" , said Brian Fisher of the California Academy of Sciences. "We call this nondestructive cannibalism."

1485/ One of the most widely accepted factors related to genetic pattern baldness is the chemical DHT (5-alpha DiHydroTestosterone is its full name). It has been found that increasing levels of DHT in hair follicles cause a reaction which reduces blood flow in that area and adversely affects the health of the follicle and the growth cycle of the hair. Over time the follicle shrinks and produces finer and shorter hairs, eventually dying and producing no hair. Areas that are 'shiny bald' no longer have live follicles. Areas with shorter, finer hairs still have live follicles which have gradually shrunk over time.

1486/ When a rattlesnake is born he has a small rounded tip on his tail known as the pre button. Several days after his birth he will shed his skin for the first time and lose this pre button which the button will replace. This is the first segment of his rattle. But it takes at least two rattle segments to produce any noise. He will gain this ability with his next skin shedding. Thereafter throughout his life he will add a rattle segment with each shedding (2-4 times a year). It is unusual to find more than eight or nine segments on a wild caught rattlesnake because of the wear and breakage of the terminal segment(s). Some captive rattlesnakes have been known to have 20 plus segments.

1487/ In the twilight of the Greek era, a singular man appeared - Diophantus, who has been called the "Father of Algebra". Of his dates, we know only that they fell sometime between 100 and 400 AD. However, we do know precisely how long he lived - 84 years. We have this information because one of his admirers described his life in terms of an algebraic riddle. The riddle begins:" Diophantus' youth lasted 1/6 of his life. He grew a beard after 1/12 more. After 1/7 more of his life, Diophantus married; 5 years later he had a son. The son lived exactly 1/2 as long as his father, and Diophantus died just four years after his son. All of this adds up to the years Diophantus lived."

1488/ The Guillotine, invented in April 1792, was originally designed as a humane way to execute prisoners condemned by the Revolutionary French National Assembly. The guillotine was last officially used as recently as September 10th, 1977 by the French. The last public execution in France was on the 17th June 1939 when Eugene Weidmann was guillotined outside the prison of Versailles. See pictures here.

1489/ Contemporary reports of a man being guillotined in 1905 indicate that for about 30 seconds after the head has been severed from the body, there is still a level of consciousness that meant the severed head opened its eyes twice when its name was called out. Read about it here -

1490/ Stainless steel resists rust because it contains a high proportion of chromium to carbon. It was an English researcher named Harry Brearley who discovered that the rusting was encouraged by the carbon in the steel and other metals. But we have to maintain a delicate balance between the two, because too little chromium and the steel will become brittle. Brearley only discovered the optimum formula after many experiments.

1491/ Scientists, Dr. C.Y. Barlow and Dr. J. Woodhouse of Cambridge University, England were recently able to investigate the varnish and ground layers of a number of historic instruments. Their work was carried out on fragments of authentic instruments made by Stradivari and others. Using the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) they discovered a distinct particulate ground layer sandwiched in between the varnish layer and the wood on certain instruments. Using EDAX spectrum (Energy Dispersive Analysis by X-Rays) on selected areas of the samples that were positioned under the SEM, Drs. Barlow and Woodhouse were able to further analyze the composition of the ground layer. They determined that the ground layer on many of the early instruments was largely composed of a mineral rich mixture, high in silica and alumina. More -

1492/ According to The Great American Chewing Gum Book by Robert Hendrickson, if all the sticks of gum chewed in America each year were laid end to end, it would equal a stick of gum five million miles long. That's long enough to reach the moon and back ten times.

1493/ The world's largest tea cup is located inside the Toki city JR station near the ticket gate. This tea cup (one piece in a set of three) was crafted in1985. Made from about one ton of clay, these three pieces took 5 months to complete.

1494/ Remember the saying 'Once in a blue moon?' A 'blue moon' is the name given to the second full moon within the same month. A full moon normally appears twice in one month every two-and-a-half year but only every 19 years does it occur in two months of the same calendar year. The last time being in 1999.

1495/ The surgeon Guido Lanfranc used violin strings to check for broken bones. Working over 500 years before the X-ray machine was invented, Lanfranc put a string between his patient’s teeth and plucked it. The string made the skull vibrate and Lanfranc noticed he could listen to the sound of the string and skull together to find out more about the patient. If Lanfranc heard a dull twang, he knew the patient's skull wasn't vibrating very much. This meant it was fractured. If he heard a sweet note, Lanfranc knew the skull was fine.

1496/ When doctors in Los Angeles went on strike in 1976, the daily number of deaths in the city went down. Striking for more pay, the doctors decided to stop all work except emergency treatments. Everyone was terrified that their strike would leave people to die. But they were stunned to find that the number of deaths actually decreased. Interestingly, the same effect has also been seen in Israel and Brazil when their Doctors went on strike. Much of this can however be attributed to the fact that operations were delayed until after the strikes were over.

1497/ One square mile of rainforest has more types of butterflies than all of North America. And every second mankind destroys two football pitches of this precious resource. Find out more here -

1498/ An aircraft carrier travels about 6 inches on one gallon of fuel.

1499/ If you look at a rainbow with Polaroid sunglasses and rotate the lenses around the line of sight, part of the rainbow will disappear! This is because when light is reflected at certain angles it becomes polarized), and it has been found that the rainbow angle is close to that angle of reflection at which unpolarized light (sunlight) is almost completely polarized.

1500/ An average person exhales approximately 2.2 pounds of carbon dioxide per day. In a year this equates to 803 pounds which is 0.3584 long tons, 0.4015 short tons or 0.3641 metric tons.

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