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Fact File

In the Fact File section we bring you a new collection of quick facts each week. (Click on the links below for more facts)


141/ There are now more than 4000 satellites orbiting the globe.

142/ Between 1895 and 1905, the millionaire Andrew Carnegie spent 25 million dollars on fossil collecting trips in the USA.

143/ Giraffes can clean their ears with their half metre long tongue.

144/ We are about 1/4 inch taller whilst sleeping at night than in the day.

145/ There are 1.25 billion rats in the US.

146/ A 5 month year old female foetus has seven million eggs in her ovaries. By puberty only 300,000 remain.

147/ Human males produce up to 100 million sperm every day.

148/ A lightning bolt has enough energy to light 2 1/2 million homes.

149/ The chances of being struck by lightning are three million to one.

150/ Camels can go for 17 days without water in extreme heat.

151/ Tornadoes can reach speeds of over 300mph.

152/ Tornado Alley in the US is struck by around 1000 tornadoes every year.

153/ A single lightning bolt can unleash 1 million volts of electricity.

154/ The ten highest mountains in the world are all in the Himalayas.

155/ In 1862, English chemist Alexander Parkes created the first plastic.

156/ The human body contains over 1000 different enzymes.

157/ In 1811, Amaeo Avogadro first distinguished molecules from atoms.

158/ Each speck of dust contains a million, million atoms.

159/ Protons are 1,836 times heavier than electrons.

160/ Mercury can only be seen from the Earth at twilight.

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