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In the Fact File section we bring you a new collection of quick facts each week. (Click on the links below for more facts)


1101/ In 1984, twenty-five years after the beginning of the Arpanet (the precursor to the modern Internet), there were more Internet hosts per capita in the United States than there were telephones twenty-five years after Alexander Graham Bell announced his invention.

1102/ The modern history of the study of intelligence begins in Victorian Britain, with Francis Galton. In 1869 Galton published his book Hereditary Genius, in which he set out his idea that intelligence is inborn and that some people are born with more of it than others.

1103/ In more than half of the American states during the 1920s, eugenics laws were passed that made it unlawful for certain people to marry unless they agreed to sterilization.

1104/ It takes the body a certain amount of "energy" (measured in calories) to convert food to either energy or a usable storage form. With protein and carbohydrates, nearly 25% of what you take in goes towards "converting" the food to energy or storage. But with fat, only 3% goes towards conversion with the result that more of those fat calories are available to be converted to storage. So for 2000 calories of protein and carbohydrates, you only have to "burn up" about 1500 to break even, but with 2000 calories of fat you have to "burn up" a lot more: 1940 just to come out even!

1105/ It has been estimated that the amount of energy saved by recycling aluminium cans in the U.S. in 1987 was the equivalent of the energy used by residences in New York City over a period of more than six months.

1106/ In the UK, only about 26% of the glass waste is recycled; that is 600,000 tonnes out of the 2.2 million tonnes potentially available. The average in the rest of Europe is around 55%, and in some countries it is as high as 90%. In North America, about 20% of paper, plastic, glass and metal goods are currently made from recycled material.

1107/ The number of seconds since the Big Bang is one followed by 17 zeros. Whilst the number of atoms in the Universe is one followed by 100 zeros.

1108/ The Wreck of the Titanic lies in 12,460 feet (3965 metres) of water. To get this into some kind of perspective consider that The CN Tower - the worlds tallest free standing building - is 1,815 feet (553.33 metres) tall or the equivalent of 5 1/2 football fields stacked end-to-end. 437 feet (133m) is the deepest a scuba diver has ever gone; 1500 feet (465 metres) is the deepest that normal Navy submarines dive to (below this there is no natural light), and that at the Titanics depth the water pressure is 6,000 lbs per square inch.

1109/ Water is much heavier than air. A cubic foot of air weighs 1/12 pound (lb). A cubic foot of fresh water weighs 62.4 lbs and a cubic foot of sea water weighs 64 lbs.

1110/ Water freezes, whereas air does not freeze at any temperature occurring in nature. Sea water freezes at a much lower temperature than fresh water because of the dissolved salt, which slows down the formation of water crystals.

1111/ The Soil Survey and Land Research Centre estimates that 2.2 million tons of soil are eroded each year in England and Wales.

1112/ Jupiter is so massive that it also controls its own mini solar system. It holds twenty-eight moons in its gravitational thrall - four of which are a match for the planet Mercury.

1113/ The planet Uranus was found by the amateur astronomer and professional musician William Herschel in 1781. He wanted to call his new planet 'George's Star', in honour of the British King, but ultimately this was thwarted as the name Uranus - the Greek God of the Sky, caught on internationally.

1114/ The War of the Worlds radio broadcast by the Mercury Theatre under the direction of Orson Wells caused mass hysteria across the country when first broadcast in 1938. The dramatisation went out on CBS radio, and scared half of America into believing that the 'martian invasion' was real - even to the extent of fleeing their homes.

1115/ When the Sun shines into your eyes, you are seeing light that left it eight minutes ago. On a clear night, look at the bright star Rigel in the constellation of Orion, the hunter, and your eyeballs are receiving light that left this giant star 800 years ago.

1116/ Half of the tropical forests, where two-thirds of all species find their habitat, have now been logged or burned to clear land for human development, with another 1 million square kilometres disappearing every five to ten years.

1117/ The average person in 1800 travelled no more than about 50 metres each day from their homes. Today we travel an average of 50 kilometres each day.

1118/ On June 16th 2001 a search on Google.com for the phrase 'Internet Architecture' brought up 1,660,000 results. The same search on June 16th 2002 brought up 2,280,000 results.

1119/ NASA has allocated two billion dollars to develop a 300 passenger aircraft capable of operating over 5,000 miles at Mach 2.4 - fast enough for a two and a half hour Seattle to Tokyo flight time.

1120/ If you travelled at 99.995 per cent of the speed of light to a point 500 light years away and returned, you could visit the Earth in 1000 years time while having aged just 10 years yourself.

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