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1081/ Auroras (such as the 'Northern Lights') typically form between 80-120km (50-75 miles) above ground, but they can be up to 1000km high (over 600 miles).

1082/ Artificial Hips were first developed in the early years of the 20th century; although hip replacement operations didn't become routine until the 1970s.

1083/ According to scientific tests on cricketers the batsmen who are most likely to hit a cricket ball for six are those who watch it for the shortest period of time.

1084/ The special fur on a Polar Bear makes them invisible to night vision goggles, infrared camera and ultraviolet protection; and is three times more efficient at trapping the rays from the Sun then man made solar panels.

1085/ To cure hiccups...Put your fingers in your ears, and get a friend to slowly feed you a glass of water. Try it. It works.

1086/ In the wake of the Wall Street Crash in October 1929, by 1932 more then 2000 US banks had collapsed, foreign trade had fallen by 50%, unemployment had reached 25%, and investors had lost the equivalent in todays money of $250 billion dollars.

1087/ Over 940,000 depleted uranium missiles were fired by the Allies during the Gulf War.

1088/ The biggest Nuclear Bomb admitted to at the height of the Cold War was a 100-megaton super hydrogen device Nikita Khrushchev announced in East Berlin in 1963. This could have produced a crater 1.8 miles wide and an 8.6 mile wide fireball.

1089/ Average lifespan globally has gone from 36.2 in 1900 to 65.4 in 1995 and is expected on current trends to reach 72.5 by 2025. (In the UK average lifespan for men in 2000 was 74.6 years; 80 for women)

1090/ Astronomer Royal, Sir Harold Spencer Jones, dismissed the idea of space flight as 'bunk' in 1957 - a fortnight before the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1.

1091/ During the 'Boston Tea Party' of 1773 - 342 chests of tea were thrown into Boston Harbour.

1092/ Scientists can track the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere by comparing modern air with that trapped in air bubbles in Greenland's ice. These measurements seem to show that there are 360 parts per million today, as against 315 parts per million in 1958 and 270 parts per million in the time of the dinosaurs.

1093/ In Scandinavia, 16,000 out of 85,000 Swedish lakes are said to have become acidified due to acid rain.

1094/ Todays world population stands at about 6 billion, and is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050.

1095/ The United States recycles 25 percent of its annual 180 million tons of household rubbish.

1096/ Livestock excrete 130 times as much waste as people.

1097/ Sir Isaac Newton is not only credited with the laws of gravity but is also credited with inventing the cat flap.

1098/ Frankenstein eat your heart out!...Robert J White, Professor of Neurosurgery at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio wrote in a 1999 Scientific American article that his colleagues have already taken the first steps towards human head transplantation by developing pumps which would lower the temperature of blood in the to-be transplanted head to 10 centigrade (50F). This cooling would help the head shut down for the necessary hour or so while it was being reconnected.

1099/ Bill Gates house on the shores of Lake Washington, Seattle took seven years to build and was inspired by the Space Station in the film 2001. It is run by 100 computers in a five room 'brain centre'. It cost over $50 million to build, and is estimated to be worth $100 million.

1100/ The British Office for National Statistics reported in 1999 that for the first time, households were spending more on leisure than on housing, food or transport.

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