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1021/ When customs x-ray scan a lorry to check for contraband the dose emitted by a two minute scan is just 40-100 micro-sieverts; approximately one tenth of the dose received by a patient during a lung radioscopy.

1022/ The fruit flys dna sequence is 180 million bases long; whilst a humans is three billion.

1023/ The average lightbulb wastes 95 percent of the electricity it uses.

1024/ Saturn is ten times further from the Earth then the Sun - about 1,430,000,000km.

1025/ By the time the average person has reached the age of seventy they will have cumulatively spent about four years suffering from colds and flu. With the average person getting about 200 upper respiratory infections in their lifetime.

1026/ Although the Berlin Wall fell in November 1989, it wasn't until a year later that the wall had been completely removed; apart from six sections which have been kept in place as a permanent memorial to the past.

1027/ To stock the Eden Project Domes in Cornwall, England has taken over 85,000 tonnes of soil.

1028/ Traces of cocaine were found on 99% of UK bank notes in a survey in London in 2000.

1029/ The record for the deepest cave dive is 300 metres (984 feet).

1030/ In 1949, the US Air Force deliberately organised an experiment in which 7,800 cures of radioactive iodine were released into the environment from the Hanford nuclear plant in the American North-West. By comparison, only 15 cures of radioactive iodine were released by the Three Mile Island accident.

1031/ Christmas Day is on December the 25th because it coincided with the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice some 2000 years ago. In AD 274, the Roman Emperor Aurelian declared the day - Natalis Solis Invicti - the birthday of the invincible sun - and within a century it was being referred to as Christmas Day.

1032/ These days the winter solstice occurs around the 21st December.

1033/ In 1997, mathematician Tom Friddell used Markov chain theory to find the most profitable monopoly squares. The best properties turned out to be in the top right hand quarter of the board, beginning at Marylebone Station and continueing through to Trafalgar Square, Fleet Street and The Strand.

1034/ One in every 25,000 people has a condition called Synaesthesia in which senses are connected; so that they can taste sounds and music can be seen in colours. One famous 'sufferer' of this condition was Beethoven who saw musical notes in a range of different colours.

1035/ Human ears can detect sounds between frequencies of 20hz and 20,000hz.

1036/ Our brains consist of about 100 trillion connections.

1037/ Star Wars: The Attack of the Clones - Is the first mainstream Hollywood film to be filmed entirely in digital format. It is estimated that delivery of films via digital projectors could save hundreds of millions of pounds over the laborious task of duplication and distribution via celluloid.

1038/ About 500 million years ago there was a sudden burst in the development of life on Earth which has come to be known as the 'Cambrian Explosion'.

1039/ Panspermia Theory is the theory that life on primordial Earth was 'seeded' by microbes from outer space.

1040/ The very summit of Mount Everest is about the size of a snooker table.

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