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101/ The fastest speed that humans have managed in our current space craft is 40,000 miles per hour.

102/ Our current manned rockets would take 70,000 years to reach even the nearest stars.

103/ In August 1992 Hurricane Andrew caused $26 billion dollars of damage and destroyed 60,000 homes.

104/ Lightning can reach thirty miles long and is less than an inch thick.

105/ A lightning bolt is hotter than the surface of the Sun.

106/ Scientists have discovered that dogs can smell the presence of autism in children.

107/ 'Seizure Alert' dogs can alert their owners up to an hour before the onset of an epileptic seizure.

108/ Diabetes strikes 1 in 16 people.

109/ At any one time there are almost two thousand individual lightning storms on Earth.

110/ Kangaroo males have a bifurcated penis.

111/ Lightning moves at a third the speed of light.

112/ On average, airliners will get struck by lightning once every year.

113/ At the heart of the Sun 600 million tonnes of hydrogen are converted into helium every second.

114/ The Moon is 400 times closer to the Earth than the Sun and exactly 400 times smaller.

115/ The most dangerous form of transport is the bicycle.

116/ The safest form of transport is the lift.

117/ Dolphins use echo-location to catch fish in total darkness.

118/ 100 calories will propel a bicycle 3 miles and drive a car 280 feet.

119/ Since the first fatal car crash, about a 100 years ago, 25 million people have died in car accidents.

120/ There are roughly 10,000 man-made objects larger than the size of a softball orbiting the Earth.

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